Contributing to Help-a-Family

How to contribute to the Help-a-Family repository on GitHub.

Want to contribute to repository? That's great! These instructions will help you contribute.


You should have these installed:

  1. npm and node

  2. git command line tool.

  3. yarn package manager.

Contribution workflow

See Fork and Clone the Repo.

Setting sync with the parent repository

Now that we have downloaded a copy of our fork, we will need to set up an upstream remote to the parent repository.

The main repository is referred upstream repository. Your fork referred to as the origin repository.

We need a reference from our local clone to the upstream repository in addition to the origin repository. This is so that we can sync changes from the main repository without the requirement of forking and cloning repeatedly.

Follow these steps to sync with the helpafamily repository:

  1. Change the directory to the new cloned one cd helpafamily

  2. Add a remote reference to the main helpafamily repository:

    git remote add upstream

3. Ensure the configuration looks correct:

git remote -v

Running helpafamily locally

Follow these steps to run the helpafamily web app locally:

  1. cd helpafamily/ if you are not already in the cloned directory.

  2. cp .env.example .env

  3. yarn install

  4. yarn dev

If you're familiar with Docker:

docker-compose build (it builds the docker container - needed only the first time or whenever the container gets removed)

docker-compose up (it runs the app inside the container)

Then open

Making changes locally and creating a pull request:

Follow these steps:

  1. Validate that you are on the main branch: git status

  2. You should get this in the command line: on branch main Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'. nothing to commit, working directory clean

3. Sync the latest changes from the helpafamily upstream main branch to your local main branch: git fetch upstream

4. git merge upstream/main (merges upstream main to local main).

Creating a fresh branch for changes:

Working on a separate branch for each issue helps you keep your local working copy clean. You should never work on the main.

  1. Create new branch and switch to it: git checkout -b fix_some_issue

2. Edit the files and once your ready to create a pull request :

3. git add .

4. git commit -m "short message"

5. git push origin branch/name-here

Proposing a Pull Request:

You will be prompted to create a pull request on your fork's GitHub Page.


These instructions were adapted from:

Last updated

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