Info for API Users
We're still putting together the Help-a-Family developer APIs.
We need your help:
What use cases for an API would you like us to support?
What are you working on?
Join us in chat at and tell us more.
Planned APIs
Device Exchange Spots
We'll provide a list of device exchange spots: places where people can give or receive laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other devices.
Each exchange spot will probably have:
Address (can be specific or a more general location for people who don't wish to list their address publicly)
Phone number (optional)
Organization name (optional)
Hours (optional)
Devices accepted
Events for Volunteers
We'll provide a list of events where volunteers can come and help families in need.
Start Time
End Time (optional)
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination card
Proof of clearance from the MHF office (we do certain background checks or require proof of other vaccinations if working with minors)
Proof of any other clearances
Eligibility for volunteer hours credits for:
School requirements
Court-Referred Community Service Program (CRCS)
Other programs TBD
Last updated
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