Fork and Clone the Repo

Fork the repository on GitHub

Follow these steps to fork the helpafamily repository:

  1. Click the "Fork" Button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

After forking the repo

  1. After the repository has been forked, you will be taken to your copy of the helpafamily repository at (YOUR_USER_NAME would be replaced with your GitHub username.)

Clone your fork from GitHub

When you create a repository on GitHub, it exists as a remote repository. You can clone your repository to create a local copy on your computer and sync between the two locations.

Follow these steps to clone the helpafamily repository:

  1. Copy the URL of your forked repository.

  2. Open your terminal and change the present directory to the one where you want to clone the repo, you can do this by using the cd command.

  3. Use the following command git clone <URL that you copied>.

Last updated